關於Popular Ringtones
Popular Ringtones and free ringtones for modern persons.
Latest ringtones and the most Popular Ringtones are ready for you. You will have top ringtones and best phone sounds with this best app. Want cool ringtones for your phone? No problem. These are carefully selected "Popular Ringtones" and you can be sure that with this sounds your phone will rings the best. We have top ringtones that other persons have never heard and when your phone rings they will be wondering from where you get this new ringtones. If you love your phone then you must give them best ringtones and our Popular Ringtones app will help you to solve this problem.
Our team of experts have been working very hardly night and day and as a result we have list of the most Popular Ringtones. We have a lot of cool ringtones especially for your phone. And all of these are "Popular Ringtones" for Android™ phone without any exceptions. When you hear top ringtones that we have, you won't search for something else because here you have best Popular Ringtones. You don't need other ringtones, these popular sounds are the best. Your phone must have best ringtones and that ringtones you will find here, all top ringtones in one place. You don't have to worry, all ringtones here are great, you will hear. But, great news is that this cool ringtones you can put like cool SMS sound on your phone. Popular SMS ringtones only for you. And, if you want to listen popular sounds more often then you can put some of these "Popular Ringtones" like your alarm sound and you will wake up with best popular music. You will love great sounds and latest ringtones that we prepared for you. We worked very hard to make you possible to have the most Popular Ringtones. So do not let our work be uselessly. Download Popular Ringtones application and be the most popular person with free ringtones.
Features of Popular Ringtones:
★ set as ringtone for Android™ phone
★ set as contact ringtone
★ set as notification sound
★ set as alarm sound
★ set as SMS sound tone
★ share sounds on Facebook or Twitter
Additional features:
Now you can make a best ringtone, alarm or notification sound from an existing audio mp3/ogg file or record a new one directly on the device.
1. Select mp3/music from your mobile or from Recordings
2. Select area to be chopped from your audio
3. Save as Ringtone/ Music/ Alarm/ sms
This amazing application can, also, be your own mp3 cutter, player and mp3 audio recorder or just your sound maker for new ringtones.
Sounds used in this application are under Public Domain or Creative Commons license attribution 3.0:
This app contains library based on Ringdroid code:
Android™ is a trademark of Google Inc
Ultimate Ringtones created Popular Ringtones app just for you. Report bugs and contact us @ [email protected]