關於Power System-I
The app contains all study material of Power System I.
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It contains the all below topics in detail-
Ash Handling Plant
Choice of size and number of Generating Units
Comparison of PWR_and BWR
Electrostatic Precipitators
Excitation Systems
Factors for Site Selection of NPPs
Fast Breeder Reactors
Hydraulic Turbines
Hydro Power Potential and Hydrology
Magnetic AmplifierRegulator and Solid State Electronic Regulator
Nuclear Reactions
Operating Reserves
Power Plant Transformers
Primary and Secondary Distribution Network
Principle of Operation of Thermal Power Plants Process
Selection of site for thermal power plant
Site Selection for Hydropower Plants and Classification of Hydropower Plants
Sources of Energy
Specific Speed
Static Excitation Systems
Substation Earthing
Superheater and Reheaters
Types of Distribution Feeders
Voltage Drop and Load Calculation