+ Updated target SDK to Android 14.
+ Updated AdMob SDK to 23.2.0.
+ Updated Google Play Games Services to 20.1.0.
+ Updated Google Billing Library to 7.0.0.
+ Updated Launcher Icon.
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 Pre Algebra 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 Pre Algebra 所有舊版本。下載 Pre Algebra 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
+ Updated target SDK to Android 14.
+ Updated AdMob SDK to 23.2.0.
+ Updated Google Play Games Services to 20.1.0.
+ Updated Google Billing Library to 7.0.0.
+ Updated Launcher Icon.
+ Added a Welcome Screen with Privacy Policy disclosure and agreement requirement.
+ Added questions to the Fractions: Multiplication and Division Concept Check.
+ Aligned fractions vertically in the Concept Check areas.
+ Fixed bug in The Order of Operations Practice area: sometimes questions would not display correctly on some devices.
+ Added Interstitial Ads in the Learning Areas.
+ Numerous minor layout changes.
+ Bug addressed: For some users, the Practice Area, for the Exponents section, gave incorrect results for problems with a base of 3 (for example: 3^1, 3^2, and 3^3). This update tries to address this problem. (Note: I couldn't replicate the problem using my device, so I can't really test whether it has been fixed or not. Please let me know if the error still occurs. Thanks.)
+ Updated the Developer Page icon in the Home Page.
***Important Note: This update will delete any saved bookmark for the Learning Sections (if you have set one). The Learning Area has gone through major internal changes, and this is one of the side effects. So, make note of your current bookmark; you'll be able to set the bookmark once again after you update.***
+ Page Swiping: you can now move from one Learning Section to another by swiping left or right.
= Minor edits/corrections to some Learning Sections.
= Minor layout changes.
= Fixed a few banner ad bugs and made some adjustments.
- Removed the Progress Dialog for banner ad loads.
+ Added a Developer Page link to the Home screen.
= Moved the Banner Ad in the Learning Area to the top of the screen .
= Internal changes to the ad serving manager.
+ More ripple effects for Lollipop devices in some areas.
+ Added a progress dialog for banner ad loads.
+ Google Analytics: to understand MATH Domain's users and design accordingly, Google Analytics has been added. To learn more about how Google Analytics is used, take a look at MATH Domain's privacy policy by pressing on the available link in this App Details page (near the bottom) or by pressing the About Icon -> Privacy Policy in the apps Home Page.
+ In-App Purchases: You can now unlock The Order of Operations by purchasing a "Key" using Google's In-App Billing service.
+ New Area: The Unlockables Area has been added; it shows all the features that can be unlocked and how close you are to unlocking them. This area can be accessed by pressing the Lock Icon located in the Home/Start page.
+ Fixed user discovered error: Error in Learning Area's Rounding section (Example 1 of 3) has been fixed.
= Small layout changes in several areas.
(Version 1.0.18)
+ New Subject: The Order of Operations has been added to the Learning, Practice, and Concept Check Areas. They are "unlocked" by doing well in other subjects' Practice Areas (details are in the app). Its summary is available as a preview in the Summaries Area.
(Note: I may include a way to unlock new areas via purchase of a "key" in a future update.)
+ Support for Lollipop devices: Status Bars will change color according to the Area.
= Minor layout changes in some areas.
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