Having trouble keeping track of what food has expired in your fridge? Want to know what’s currently in your fridge and when it will expire? Need an intelligent grocery manager? Preserve is your one stop shop for Food management. Keeping track of your food expiration dates is now faster and easier than ever! What makes Preserve unique is its intuitive design and usability. Preserve incorporates OCR technology to scan recipes to input multiple groceries with just a click of a button.
Key features:
- Keep track of everything currently found in your fridge. View and exit food cards of each of your items.
- Get notified when your foods are about to expire so nothing spoils
- Scan grocery receipts to quickly add foods to your personal fridge
- Get predictions for expiration dates of your food, based on foods you have bought before.
Universal Access:
- Access your fridge on any Android device, with your unique account
Let us help you save time and money by tracking your expiration dates and reducing your food waste!
Preserve, Preserve App, Food App, Food, Food Inventory, Refrigerator App, Expiration Dates, Groceries, Food Management, Expire