關於Proton Bus Simulator (BETA)
This game is in development! It will be constantly updated with more features, buses, lines and maps! This is a playable beta to demonstrate its concept. As soon as the main features are completed, the game will start receiving updated content like new maps and buses!
Touch below the camera icon to hide all the controls! You may experience an immersive 100% screen for the game! Without boring ads on the game screen!
Notice: the game may show some ad to support development on loading screen (you already has to wait the loading process anyway...). But it will NEVER show banner ads inside the gaming screen, while you drive!
Tips for better performance:
* Reduce or disable traffic cars, pedestrians and buses (set passengers to 20%).
* Reduce camera visibility.
* Change graphics settings to a lower profile.
* Avoid settings that requires lots of memory, as traffic repaints and extra content.
This game is designed for smartphones or tablets with a great RAM capacity. It is recommended having 4 GB if possible, to play with better quality textures and many advanced options (with optimized settings it runs well on most popular devices). If your device has less memory, it may run sometimes but probably it will crash. It is not the game's fault! It is the system that closes the app when running out of memory.
We want high quality models and textures, it is physically impossible supporting these older or very cheap phones.
Currently this game is developed and tested mainly with a J7 Prime.
* Updated game engine to Unity 2018.4.2f1, with bugfixes and internal improvements
* Updated texts on main screen
* Updated settings for donors/supporters to restore the subscription status
* Optimizations in mod loading functions, using less RAM
* Fixes at lower graphics settings