關於PSX Messenger
A messaging application that integrates with MHx and PSX Mapping.
Motorola's Messenger application integrates with the Motorola Home Experience (MHx ) and Motorola Mapping to offer an integrated messaging experience for Android devices. Messenger offers the ability to send individual or group text messages. It supports the attachment of photos, map views, video and audio clips. Messenger allows user to send messages to contacts or groups selected through the application listings, or to contacts selected directly from the users displayed on the Mapping application. Messenger also provides a widget that integrates with the MHx framework. For Messenger to work it requires the Motorola Converged Services Client to be installed and active.
Terms of Service: By downloading the client you agree with EULA for this app. EULA is located at: http://www.motorolasolutions.com/content/dam/msi/my-software/apps/messenger/v3.08.01/psx_messenger_client_googleplay_eula_jan2016.pdf