關於PTI DP Flex Maker & Photo Frames Selfie with Imran
Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf Photo Frame and Flag Face Imran Khan Selfie Flex Maker
For the followers of the popular Pakistani party PTI the app brings photo frames and dp maker. With the help of this app you can make your photos with PTI flags on them along with different photo frames that contain various kinds of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf logos to make your dps. PTI followers and enthusiasts can now easily show their support for their favorite party by making display pictures using the PTI frames offered in the app. The app brings following functionalities to its users:
PTI Photo Frames on Gallery Pictures – With the help of this feature you can easily add PTI frames to your pictures from the gallery.
PTI Photo Frames on Camera Pictures – With this feature of the app you can apply PTI flag face selfies and make them your display pictures on various social media platforms.
Multiple PTI Flags –The app does not offer one, two or three photo frames, rather in the app you can find multiple flag frames to make your PTI selfies according to your liking.
Share on Social Media – The pictures that you make from PTI flag face and DP Maker, you can share them on different social media platforms.
In addition to the aforementioned features of the PTI flag face photo maker and DP creator app, there are several other features in this new build that make it even more exciting and amazing for all the PTI lovers and followers. Some of those features are as under:
PTI Pana Flex Creator – The new feature of this PTI selfie and dp maker app is the pana flex creator pti feature. With this feature, you can create your own PTI flex using PTI stickers and slogans. This pti flex can then be used as a sign of your support for your party in the upcoming general elections.
PTI Selfie with Imran Khan – The other feature of this new update is that it allows you to take selfie with Imran Khan. He is the leader of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf and is famous all over Pakistan. In order to demonstrate your love for PTI and Imran khan now you can use this pti selfie with Imran khan feature and create beautiful selfies with Imran khan pti.
PTI Stickers – This PTI flagface and dp maker app also brings you pti stickers that you can use on your already taken pictures as a means of showing support for your favorite party. The pti stickers are moveable and can be adjusted to any place in your existing picture or you can always take a pti selfie and adjust them.
PTI Slogans – The third feature of this new PTI flagface and Flex maker dp app is the pti slogans. There are various slogans of the party in the app which you can use to make your pti dps and selfies even more representative of your sentiment for the party.
Download the all in one PTI flex maker, PTI dp maker, selfie with Imran khan and PTI photo frames editor app now and show your full support for your party in the coming elections with full zest.
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