關於Punk Singer
You would be the makeup artist for Punk singer Tina
Tina has tried black and blonde hair before and she wants to create a new hair colour with a brand new make-up style. Try a professional make-up on the famous rock singer and get her a totally new style that would impress her fans.
Let it be said that Tina has developed into a lovely young woman. Her smoldering lips, big blue eyes and pale skin make for an enticing package -- one that will only get better with age.
Tina is a this famous pop-rock star and has a rebel style.But now you would be the makeup artist for Tina and you should get to choose the right makeup styles for her . Enjoy this fabulous makeover game.
Tina is a Canadian punk singer born on 1st January, 1984 in Belleville, Ontario. She has met with success for years and is now known as "the anti-Britney Spears".
From her early childhood she decided she would be a singer. When she was 12 she started writing her first songs and learned to play guitar. Her parents have always supported her.
Her music draws its inspiration from Green Day,the world ofskateboarding and finds itself halfway between pop and pop-punk.
When she was 16, Tina put an end to her studies to focus on music. She went and settled in L.A where she met Clif Magness, a producer. One year later, "Complicated" was released. Tina entered the record industry in 2002 with her first album "go go". It was a huge success and came second at the Billboards three months after its release.