Die-cast metal puzzle rings are not only good for train your brain but also good for the fun. However, it's simply too heavy and bulky to carry around.
Now The Puzzle Ring 3D is here!
You can simply download it and play various metal or wire like puzzles any time you want.
▶ Game Features
1. No more heavy, No more bulky Puzzle Rings.
2. Various Items and 15 Puzzles.
3. Also new puzzles will be add for next upgrade.
4. Freely adjustable play time and save function.
5. Exciting game elements such as touch limit mission.
6. World record leader board included.
7. Good for train your brain.
8. Metal odor or allergies free puzzle.
▶ How to use
● Mission Switch - If you use this switch, touch limit mission will be given. Use this switch to get extra ruby prize and bonus star points. Ruby prize will be given only for first time of each puzzle missions. One coin will be consumed.
● Gravity (Gyro) Switch - You will able to turn off or turn on the gravity while your game. It will much easier to control if you use this function. One coin will be consumed.
● Time Off Switch - Use this switch when you want to continue after the timeout. Save function also included. One coin will be consumed.
● After Select the game option switch, just press big play button at right bottom of screen.
● If You want to change Puzzle or background image, use shop button.
You will need Ruby for first time setting, then Coin for second time. Certain coins will given everyday play log.
● Sometimes A.I. will confused as not solved if the solved puzzle parts are placed too close each other. In this case, just make them separate far enough away.
▶ Game Tip
● To get best score, simply get more play time from items, and solve it as fast as you can with less touches.
● The Red Puzzle means you are touching it. The Blue means you can separate only blue part.
● The gravity might not useful most of time. However some puzzles need it for solution.
▶ Game styles according to the situation
1. If you want to compete with the world - Try to get as much as score you can.
2. To study and practice - Use Time Off Option and save function to relax and take your time as much as you want.
3. Instant compete with your friends - Use same Puzzle and Item and try to get higher score.
▶ Score Information
● Total Score = ( Puzzle givien time + Wallpaper given time + Mission Bonus + Level Bonus) - (Time to Spend + Number of Touch)
● The Leader Board score will be removed if no update for certain time. However, the medal will be updated if you make new score at leader board next time.
▶ Recommended Device
Samsung Galaxy S4 or higher.
▶ Notices
●If you delete this game, the Item and player record will be deleted at same time. So, please be careful.
●The Save Function at Time Off switch - To prevent duplicate apply to score, the save file will be deleted after solve the puzzle. New save file will be remain until you solve it completely.
▶ Public Subscription for New Puzzle
- Your idea will use to make new puzzle for next upgrade version.
- It must be, and will be copyright-free even after your idea is selected.
- If your idea is selected, you will receive 500 ruby and naming rights for the new puzzle.
- The result will be announced at next upgrade release date.
[How to send your puzzle idea]
1. Send Your ID (You can find it at the leader board when you scroll down) , and some pictures or drawings with a detail explanation to developer email below.
2. Subscription Email : [email protected]