關於QC KLWP Theme
QC KLWP Theme -
Clean, Fast, Customable KLWP Theme with widgets and 20+ custom app shortcuts
- UNLOCKED, EDITABLE theme for customization
- Custom 4 type of widget (Time, Music Player, Calendar, Weather)
- Dynamic Wallpaper based on Weather (Auto)
- 20+ Custom Apps Shortcuts
- Clean Animated menu
- 4 Pages theme
- Clean and minimalis look
1. Install Nova launcher (recomended) or any launcher
2. Install KLWP pro key version (recomended)
How to use:
1. Install (make sure you have Nova launcher and KLWP pro installed first)
2. Set your Launcher with 4 pages (recomended to disable top notification)
3. Load the theme from your KLWP apps (load preset menu)
4. Set as live wallpaper
Best setting for Nova launcher:
1. Desktop grid setting 6,5 (or any you like, just to put apps shortcut)
2. Uncheck Dock, Make 4 pages
3. Under look & feel, uncheck "show notification bar" (optional, to give the clean look)
This theme work well on most android phone.
Depending on your screen size, might required to adjust the size.
If needed, on "layer" tab, scale up or down by clicking the - or + button on "scale".