Android OS
QuranIrab is the easiest way to understand the grammar (nahw) and morphology (sarf) of Quran.
Learn in your language
Although the best way to learn the Quran is an Arabic itself, we would love to assist you in the transition. Hence, QuranIrab supports multiple languages and more are in the works.
See it in colours
A great way for beginner students of the Quranic language to differentiate the three main types of words. See them in colours: Nouns in blue, verbs in red and particles in green.
Dive deep into the language
For the first time in 1500 years, the details of Quranic grammarand morphology is available literally at your finger tips. Study Nahw and Saraf of each words in the Quran without having to go through tens of books in the library.
Take it with you anywhere
QuranIrab is now available on Android which makes it available to you from just about anywhere around the world on the most popular mobile OS.
Collaborative team
Quran Irab is a tight collaborative project between Arabic language experts from various universities in Malaysia, designers and developers. It is truly an intersection between art and science.