關於Rapid Maze
Maze game for all age group with different options to chose, very easy to play but difficult to complete. The complexity includes randomly changing positions of the gates/gaps. This game helps in developing concentration and building patience.
There are five options to chose, first options is specifically for kids and all other options can be played be any age group. The playing board (other than kid’s option) is same for all, except there is different time to complete the game (for Easy, 90 seconds after first game ball reaches destination, 60 seconds for Difficult and 30 seconds for Challenging). Fifth option (Multi-Level) includes Easy, Difficult and Challenging with similar timings, and the time remaining after completion of the game level is added to next game level.
This app is built upon AccelerometerPlay sample code available with modifications and there were challenges while rendering user interface due to different co-ordinate system.