關於Reader Chess. 3D True. (PGN)
Read files with one or multiple chess games in PGN format. Displays the games in interactive and synchronized form with a 3D board or a 2D board.
The board can be rotated in any direction and zoom in or out.
To rotate or move the board just slide your finger over the edges of the window containing it horizontally or vertically.
Apart from playing move by move, you can play the whole game, or part thereof, automatically.
Extensive configuration options.
You can download files with games and "settings" from the cloud.
If you are a developer, you can go to this app a game, or more, by:
Intent visor3d = new Intent("android.intent.action.SEND");
visor3d.setComponent(new ComponentName("alberto.interajedrez.chesspos3d", "alberto.interajedrez.chesspos3d.ChessPos3D"));
visor3d.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, pgnincrustado);
Being 'pgnincrustado' a String with the game/s.