關於Regex Tool
Working with regular expressions can be a frustrating and time-consuming process of trial and error. In fact, this usually happens always. You've probably spent hours battling regular expressions, hours that could be spent battling something else. Luckily, regular expressions are easy to master. The problem is, it requires practice, and practicing isn't always convenient.
Luckily, Regex Tool makes regular expressions as easy as the print function, provided that you're using Java regular expressions. Support for multiple regex languages is coming soon, rest assured.
Regex Tool currently has the following features:
- Full support Java regex syntax
- Regular expression matching
- Savable patterns
- Documentation for Java regex constructs
- Details for syntax errors
- Easy and straight-forward navigation
- Material design
Still not convinced? Regex Tool will always be free, and soon open source.
-Added support for Java escaping syntax