關於Right to Information Act (RTI)
Check out and search the entire Right to Information Act (RTI) of India.
The Right to Information Act (RTI) is an Act of the Parliament of India "to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens" and replaces the erstwhile Freedom of Information Act, 2002. The Act applies to all States and Union Territories of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Jammu and Kashmir has its own act called Jammu & Kashmir Right to Information Act, 2009. Under the provisions of the Act, any citizen may request information from a "public authority" (a body of Government or "instrumentality of State") which is required to reply expeditiously or within thirty days. The Act also requires every public authority to computerize their records for wide dissemination and to pro-actively publish certain categories of information so that the citizens need minimum recourse to request for information formally. This law was passed by Parliament on 15 June 2005 and came fully into force on 12 October 2005. Information disclosure in India was restricted by the Official Secrets Act 1923 and various other special laws, which the new RTI Act relaxes.
The Act has increased transparency and greater accountability in the functioning of the government and hence played a significant role in exposing and reducing corruption to some extent. It is claimed to promote a "citizen-centric approach to development" and to increase the efficiency of public welfare schemes run by the government (Source: Wikipedia)
Read the entire Right to Information Act (RTI) of India. Search at will. All sections of the Act are available in the app.
Whether you are a layperson, law student, chartered accountant, a corporate lawyer or a taxpayer, this is an invaluable reference since it contains full text of the Act. You can search using any keyword and the app will show you the relevant sections.
* To see all sections of the Act (index) do not enter any search term and hit the search key. This provides you with complete list of chapters like a TABLE OF CONTENTS.
The list of contents chapter-wise comes up by default when you start the application.
To see list of contents chapter-wise, press the search key with no search text.
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