關於RMC Mobile App
RMC has developed Mobile app in order to bring its services closer to the people
Rajamahendravaram Municipal Corporation has taken the initiative to develop RMC Mobile application in order to bring its services closer to the people. It is our pleasure to reach out to all of you through our RMC Mobile App. This new mobile application provides information and services offered by Rajamahendravaram Municipal Corporation.
Service categories available in RMC Mobile App are as follows:
1. R- FORUM services:
Forum is a Chat interface for Users to post comments, images and post quires to RMC it becomes a Citizen and RMC interaction forum
2. I-RMC:
IRMC is information services of RMC, Detailed information of available Government Hospitals, Play grounds, Parks, Govt Offices, Temples, Schools in the RMC region are made available for users
3. News & Events are updated on Daily Basis for latest on events in the City. Links to various news articles on Rajamahendravaram City are posted for readers.
4. Tax Office services:
Know Your Tax helps users to know the details of their taxes against their Assessment ID
5. Services:
Services consist of application forms to apply for various services in RMC. Users can download the required application form to apply for various services in RMC
6. Complaints:
Post Your Grievance allows user to register his complaints with minimal information
Complaint Status can be viewed by just selecting the Grievance ID in the list to know the status if action is been taken or not.
7. Alerts:
Users are sent various alerts by the Commissioner, RMC administration, Complaint Status, Emergency Alerts, Events alerts etc to citizens.
8. Ads Space:
It is a citizen service interface where users can register their ads related to House for Rent, Shop for Rent, Looking for Work, Carpenter or Plumbers etc. And the details are available for users to use this information for their needs
9. Entertainment:
Citizens of RMC can now know the movies playing in the city and the show details and the movie ratings are also made available in the App for the user information purpose.
These are the RMC Mobile application services offered by the RMC Mobile Application.