- Fix: Newly created Python program cannot be edited
- Fix: Line detector parameters swapped during initialization
- Fix: Empty config files in the editor after project import
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 ROBO Pro Coding 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 ROBO Pro Coding 所有舊版本。下載 ROBO Pro Coding 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
- Fix: Newly created Python program cannot be edited
- Fix: Line detector parameters swapped during initialization
- Fix: Empty config files in the editor after project import
- New: Line detection with white lines on black background
- Update: documentation of blocks
- Update: Context menus in python editor
- Fix: Python-Editor - Tab-Key not working
- Fix: Additional files not loaded to controller
- Fix: Resume in debugger sometimes hangs
- Update: new Python editor with improved user experience on mobile devices
- Update: updated translations
- Fixed: Code highlighting in the editor during debug mode
- Fixed: Example programs from Gitlab were not loaded
- Fixed: broken templates for new projects in TXT 4.0
- Fixed: Incorrect values in the interface test (RX controller, I2C sensor)
- Fixed: New window through icon leads to error message
- New: Open multiple projects at the same time (multi-window)
- New: Continuous value updating of I2C sensors in the interface test
- RX Controller: optimized remote control, improved USB connection and firmware update process
- Update: Uniform designation of elements in the display/remote control/camera configurator
- Update: Remember last storage location when exporting files
- Update: Layout of motors direction in the interface test
- Update: Many minor improvements and resolved errors
- New: Support for RX controller
- New: Allow input of numeric values with comma (,)
- Fixed: Renaming the controller leads to incorrect assignment in input/output blocks
- Fixed: Names for sensor fields in the camera configuration cannot be changed
- Fixed: Disable debug mode when remote control is activated
- Fixed: Missing values in number blocks in print view
- Fixed: Problems loading and saving projects
* New: Support for 6-pin combi sensor
* New: Remote control for TXT 4.0 Controller and BT Smart Controller
* Fixed: Blocks partially not updated after language change
* Fixed: Some minor bugs
* New: Introduce support for BT Smart Controller
* New: Menu items to Node-RED flow and dashboard when connected to TXT 4.0 Controller
* New: Blocks for reed contact
* New: Display configuration - element to display an image, format and style options for text
* Fixed: Wrong numbers of elements when copying "format text" block or "encoder motor" block
* Fixed: Empty function names and parameters on function / import blocks
* Fixed: Sometimes duplicate line breaks after pasting Python code
* Fixed: Copy blocks to different files
* Fixed: Break or continue of endless loop
* Fixed: Color block select color
* New: Undo/Redo in Python view
* Fixed: Content of Python blocks can not be saved
* Fixed: Wrong format of CSV and TXT files on import
* Fixed: Functions are imported incorrectly when renaming the file
* Fixed: Use of german umlauts in the display/camera configuration
* Fixed: Wrong link in context menu of the display/camera configuration
* Fixed: Extracting blocks with using Ctrl + left mouse button
New: Python editor for entering code in python blocks
New: Show symbols from the display configuration in blocks
Improved: Selection of colors at the color detector in the camera configuration
Improved: Translation files have been updated
Fixed: Double scrollbar in Python window
Fixed: In python programming, the "Inspector" for camera and display cannot be shown
Fixed: Old programs from Gitlab are not imported correctly
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