Rock95 Traffic Barrie
關於Rock95 Traffic Barrie
數百萬款最新的 Android 應用程式、遊戲、音樂、電影、電視節目、書籍、雜誌等項目盡在其中,歡迎隨時隨地透過您的各種裝置取得。
Rock95 Traffic Barrie has a NEW design with NEW features to help you manage your daily commute better.
The Rock 95 Traffic Barrie application provides instant personal traffic updates by means of hands-free visual and audio alerts, right to your smartphone. This application is customized to the Barrie and Simcoe county residents, and with the pre-recorded community favourite routes tailored to the popular daily commutes. This application does not work outside of the central Ontario region.
You will join with thousands of users within this network to make the TrafficAlert service the best traffic reporting systems for the Simcoe County and beyond. The service relies on users like you to passively and actively tell other users the traffic conditions ahead. Whenever a user is stuck in traffic, that information is passed onto the entire user network. You can also report a traffic tip by touching a button to our toll-free traffic reporting centre.
Before you hit the road, launch the Rock95 Traffic Barrie application and start recording your first trip. While you are recording your first trip, the system will already advise you of the traffic condition 5km ahead of you, with voice and visual alerts. The next time you travel on the same route, call up your recorded route from Rock95 Traffic. You will hear real-time traffic alert specific to your route instantly.
- Hands-free audio traffic reporting (no driver distraction)
- Monitors traffic along your route as you drive
- Save your most used routes, destinations, or use the default favourite community destinations
- Setup up daily traffic push notifications before you leave home, work, or school
- Receive push notifications of major traffic incidents that affect the entire GTA
- Help other commuters! Report traffic to our traffic monitoring centre and we'll use your report to update others on the road
As a new service to our users, we welcome all questions, concerns feedback to make this better! Please email us at [email protected].
- Rock96 Traffic Barrie has a NEW design with NEW features to help you manage your daily commute better.
- With Rock96 Traffic Barrie' NEW social feature, Jungo, you can now get, report and share live traffic and road condition with other Rock95 TrafficAlert users.