關於Rome (Roma) Travel Guide - City map, top Highlight
MyCityHighlight羅馬(羅馬) - 觀光像當地人會進行locals.City指南。
The city guide MyCityHighlight – sightseeing like locals
Our City Manager - a local insider - gives his recommendations for city highlights in Rome (Italy), travelers rate them. More city trip features make MyCityHighlight a precious travel companion. With the MyCityHighlight app you can:
› Filter city highlights according to separate target groups (e.g. Family with children) and
needs (e.g. city@night, city@rain, Free WiFi)
› Put together your personal city tour
› Benefit from discounts and special offers
› Find the best hotels and airbnb apartments
› Send real postcards directly from your smartphone
› Find out about events that only locals know about (e.g. street festivals)
› Find souvenir tips as well as useful places such as public toilets, ATMs or emergency centers
› Take a look at highlights for some insider tips
› Keep a personal travel diary
› Get in touch with «locals» and fellow travelers in the chat room
› And lots more
Get now your trip advisor and city guide for Rome (Roma).
The "City Guide Rome" is a decoupling of the MyCityHighlight App "European Cities", which you also find in the Play Store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ch.nth.cityhighlights
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We wish you lots of fun with the Travel Guide Rome (Roma).
• Handpicked highlights selected by our City Managers
• Small design adjustments and error corrections
We’re looking forward to your feedback. Please send us your questions or comments to [email protected].