Romusha is the Worlds most update business e-magazine. Published every seconds, it features original articles on finance, industry, investing, and marketing topics. We focusing on business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership, and lifestyle news.
Romusha now delivers up-to-date news, information and analysis all the time, in real time. Powered by Forbes app news.
The Romusha app starts with the magazine and its news about entrepreneurs, executives, innovative companies and strategic insights to help shape your investing plan. Fully integrated search so it goes much farther:
– Romusha layout, images and graphics of the magazine are redesigned and optimized for tablet screens.
– Throughout each search and links that launch related posts, lists, video, photo galleries, audio and more plus connect you directly to a writer and other readers by adding your comments.
– You can easily share anything in the app with your social networks and with other Romusha app users via in-app social network, Facebook or Twitter.
Download the Romusha app and subscribe today for the full newspaper magazine experience!