關於[root] Wunderlist Mini Widget
When you first install, go to settings (icon in the lower right corner) and click "Open access to database"
If your want this app for other device, please vote: http://wunderlist.uservoice.com/forums/136230-wunderlist-feature-requests/suggestions/5695209-content-provider
This is a widget for Wunderlist . It simply takes your tasks from Wunder list and lists them on your home screen or Lock screen + Icon with Notifications.
Icon can show number of priority today tasks(left badge) and number of today tasks(right badge).
Widget tasks can be sorted into the due date categories (Today, Tomorrow, Upcoming, and Someday). Priority (Star) tasks can also be displayed and customised.
Languages currently supported are English and Russian.
This widget requires that the app Wunderlist (Wunder list) is installed on your phone. REQUIRES ROOT ACCESS
For wunderlist 2 and 3. Use settings checkbox for wunderlist 2.
Text size, text color and transparent, background color and transparent, bold text, cursive text, resize task to one line, custom size widget, enable or disable date.
Filter for date.
Fix not correct text size:
Xposed module App Setings. Changed widget dpi to 200. Changed text size to 24
NOTE: This app use root access for read Wunderlist tasks
Email me at: [email protected] if you want new features for the widget.
tags: Wunderlist, Wunder list, Wunderlist widget, Wunderlist icon