關於RTO exam in hindi | Rto exam
印地語 Rto 考試是一個簡單易用的用戶應用程序。
This apps mainly used for educational purpose. RTO exam hindi is a practice apps for driving licence exam
When you can take the driving license test before you can use this app because this app help you to learn and practice rto driving licence exam in hindi. RTO hindi is made for only bengali language people. Rto bengali app all questions and answers is hindi language.
Question and Answers: Rto hindi app provides rto exem releted questions and answers. And all trafic symbol described in hindi language.
Practice: RTO exem hindi have also practice questions and answer every question have four multiple choice. You can choice any answer if questions is right then that button show green colour otherwise which option you click that is red colour and right answer is green colour. You can practice unlimited time.
Exem: RTO hindi is demo exem options same as RTO test. Random road signs and questions will be asked this exam.
This app is only for public awareness. Though all efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the content, the same should not be construed as a statement of law or used for any legal purposes. All information is collected from different sources also do not provide any kind of guarantee.