Updates permission and billing libraries.
Update to Android 13.
Bug fixes.
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 Scene Sketcher 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 Scene Sketcher 所有舊版本。下載 Scene Sketcher 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
Updates permission and billing libraries.
Update to Android 13.
Bug fixes.
Update to Android 12. Simplified image picker. Improved palette view (upgrade feature). Bug fixes.
- Adds a posterized photo view to the main Image View screen based on a selected palette. Add or delete palette colors and retry the poster view to refine your palette (free feature).
- Adds a color shift feature to the Palette View screen. Generate color ideas for your art by quickly trying out fixed or randomized hue shifts along with value and saturation controls (upgrade feature). Here's a video about the hue shift feature: https://youtu.be/441wUPFhZas
- UI updates and bug fixes.
- Improved graphics threading, UI improvements, bug fixes.
Prior release:
- Adds an adjustable grid overlay to the Measure screen with settings for line width, color, and opacity. Supports major and minor gridlines. Grids can be exported for projection or use as a layer in painting apps.
- Update to Android 11.
- New palette views. Demo digital painting from a new view showing sharpness based on contrast:
- Adds an adjustable grid overlay to the Measure screen with settings for line width, color, and opacity. Supports major and minor gridlines. Grids can be exported for projection or use as a layer in painting apps.
- Update to Android 11.
- Bug fixes.
Previous release:
- New palette views. Demo digital painting from a new view showing sharpness based on contrast:
Adds new photo simplification options to in-app upgrade. The new proprietary views provide versatile, naturalistic simplification of light and texture while preserving high contrast detail.
Adds ability to generate palettes from simplified photo views (upgrade feature).
Bug fixes.
Demo digital painting from new photo view showing sharpness based on contrast:
- Adds a compare color popup to Values View. Touch a color from your image or its palette, then point your phone's camera at your mixing palette or canvas to compare colors side by side. Helpful to spot check the accuracy of your color mixes.
- Updates to cover deprecated Android features.
- Bug fixes.
Adds a Filter page to the palette popup in Values View. From this page you can toggle between color and monochrome for individual palette colors in your image. Great for isolating groups of colors to help with faster block-ins.
Bug fixes including Android 10 file access.
Adds new options:
- Show image values in halftones.
- Export palette as a photo. Useful as a reference
for digital painting apps.
- Generate palette from simplified photo images in
Palette View (requires upgrade).
Bug fixes.
- Values view color picker now shows complement and substitution hues.
- New palette view (upgrade version) simplifies photo images while keeping more detail in high contrast areas. Helpful to visualize brushwork in both focus and background areas.
- Adds per-photo resolution settings to saved layouts (upgrade version).
- Rendering kernels optimized.
- Bug fixes.
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