關於Schedule F - Farm Accounting
Schedule F App allows farmers to accumulate their Income and Expenses into the appropriate Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Categories. Summary Reports and Detail Reports can be printed or viewed at any time. The Summary Report provides the totals of the Income and Expense categories so they can be entered directly onto the IRS Schedule F Form. . And there is a Mileage Module to track business Mileage. You will have all the information needed to do your own Schedule F, enter it into a tax program like TaxAct, H&R Block or Turbo Tax, or give the information to your local tax preparer.
For most of us, doing our taxes is not easy or fun. This App makes it possible for you see calculated all the values you need to fill out your Schedule F. Our easy to use system and Instructions and Help file(s) give you what you need to complete the Schedule. At the end of the year, the user only needs to run a report, and use the report to directly fill out the Schedule F. See where the business is for any period; how is Income doing compared to expenses as of March, for instance.
See our Website www.myfinancialapps.com for more information.
Once you Register on your SmartPhone, you can use either your SmartPhone or our HTML Web App on your computer to enter data and view or print reports. Go to the website www.myfinancialapps.com for the link to the Web App.