關於Sense 7 lite cm13(cm12) theme
Full version - Sense 7 Default
Included in the theme:
•Alarms, application Icons, boot animation, fonts, notifications, power menu, ringtones and wallpapers;
•System UI: lock screen, quick settings and power menu;
•Category one: dialer, contacts, messages, email, settings, google messenger;
•Category two: browser, calendar, documents, file manager, themes and other ancillary applications;
•Category three: calculator;
•Category four: gallery, sound recorder, radio, eleven (music) and audiofx;
•Other: trebuchet (cm launcher).
Available for many roms: AICP, AOKP, BeanStalk, Dirty Unicorn, Resurrection Remix, BlissPop, Exodus, Vanir, FlexOs and other.
Is there a problem? Please contact by e-mail!
After installation go to Themes and apply what you want. Then reboot your phone.