關於Shiv Ringtone
Shiv Ringtone, Wallpaper, Video Status & Greetings app contains lots of things related to Shiv like Video Status For social media, Shiv HD wallpaper, Shiv Status for Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram, Shiv ringtone, Shiv text status and greeting messages. Now you no need to go anywhere you can get all that things at one place.
In the Hindu mythology, Lord Shiv is the Destroyer & the most important one in the Holy Trinity, the other two being Brahma the Creator & Vishnu the Protector. Lord Shiv has always fascinated his followers by his unique appearance: he has three eyes, has ash smeared all over his body, has snakes coiled up around his head and arms, wears tiger and elephant skin, leads a wild life in the cremation grounds far removed from social pretenses, and is known for his proverbial anger.
Shiv Ringtone
Latest collection of shiva ringtone, shiv ringtone, mahadev ringtone, etc. you can set directly into your smartphone.
Shiv Video Status
Wide range collection of Shiv Video Status for whatsapp. This app contains 30 sec video status you can share as whatsapp story & download in your smartphone too. We daily add latest videos, ringtones, wallpaper and text status of shiva.
Shiv HD wallpaper
Make yourself cool, pleasant and devotional with this Lord Shiva : Shiva Wallpaper.
It has beautiful HD images of Lord Shiva.
Lord Shiv : Shiva Wallpapers app is made for all the people who like lord shiva.
App Features
★ Beautiful collection of Lord Shiva Hd Wallpaper, Ringtone, Video Status & Text Status.
★ Set Shiva wallpaper as home screen or lock screen of your smartphone.
★ Show current song's current & total time with title.
★ Set the Shiva songs as Ringtone for your smartphone.
★ Latest, Full HD, Beautiful and Attractive Wallpapers of Lord Shiv.
★ Download & save to make collection of it in your local storage.
★ Share Shiva Video Status, Shiva Wallpaper and Text status on Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp & many more social platforms.
★ Simple & Easy to use.
★ 100+ Best Shiva Wallpaper.
★ 50+ Best Shiva Video.
★ 50+ Best Shiva Status.
★ Totally free & Easy to use.
★ Good Quality Sound.
Shiv Ringtone, Wallpaper, Video Status & Greetings is very popular app that contains Lord shiv ringtone, wallpaper, video status & greeting messages.
Shiv has many names like :
★ Mahakal
★ Mahadev
★ Vishwanath
★ Trinetra
★ Shiva
★ Shankar
★ Vaidhnath
★ Karmanath
★ Ramnath
★ Kailash
★ Karunasagar
★ Amarnath
★ Kedarnath
★ Shiv
★ Bholenath
In Hindu calendar Shravan month is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Whole month is considered auspicious to seek blessing of Lord Shiva. Devotees keep various fasts during Shravan month to please Lord Shiva. Shravan month is also known as Sawan month in North Indian states. All Mondays or Somwar(s) which fall during Shravan month are considered highly auspicious for fasting and known as Shravan Somwar or Sawan Somwar Vrats.
ॐ नमः शिवाय
The purpose of app is to provide entertainment/general information to user. All the images/audio/video and text contained in the app are collected from different internet sources. All the images/audio are readily available in various places on the internet and are believed to be in the public domain. However, we do not claim ownership/copyright of material/media used in the app. We acknowledge that the respective copyright owners of the contents own the rights. we are not owner of any audio/video from this app. If you own the right to any content in the app, please write to us at [email protected] with the copyright details of the original source, and the stated content will be removed immediately. No infringement intended. we will remove that content within a few minutes.
Baba Bhole Naath aapki sabhi manokamna poorna Karen
||Om Namah Shivay||