關於Sholawat Prophet Mp3 Complete
Listen to the Prophet's Sholawat wherever you are without an internet connection
Sholawat Nabi Mp3 Complete Offline: the latest collection of 2023 prophet sholawat songs.
Sholawat includes the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which is highly recommended and contains various kinds of virtues if carried out.
From Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu 'anhu he said that Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
مَن صلَّى عليَّ صلاةً واحدةً ، صَلى اللهُ عليه عَشْرَ صَلَوَاتٍ ، وحُطَّتْ عنه عَشْرُ خَطياتٍ
"Whoever says blessings on me once, Allah will bless him ten times, and ten mistakes (sins) are aborted, and he will be exalted ten degrees / levels (in heaven later)" [1].
Reference :
[1] HR an-Nasa'i (no. 1297), Ahmad (3/102 and 261), Ibn Hibban (no. 904) and al-Hakim (no. 2018), authenticated by Ibn Hibban, al-Hakim and agreed by adz-Dzahabi, also by Ibn hajar in "Fathul Baari" (11/167) and al-Albani in "Shahihul adabil mufrad" (no. 643).
By increasing the reading of this sholawat, it makes us closer to Allah and His Prophet so that our wishes can be easily conveyed and fulfilled.
This complete offline MP3 Sholawat Nabi application is made to make it easier for us to memorize Sholawat prayer readings and will love Rasulullah SAW even more.
Sholawat readings in the complete offline MP3 Sholawat Nabi application include:
- Sholawat Burdah
- Yes Latifan Bil'ibad
- Dear Prophet of Worship
- Bijaahil Mustofal Mukhfar
- Yes Waridal Mustofa
- Da'uni
- Yes, Hana
- Marhaban
- Allahuma Sholi Ala Muhammad
- Antal Amen
- Yes, Robbi Bil Mustofa
- La Ilaha Illallah
- Love Spell of Friends of the Apostles
- Yes Robbana Tarofna
- Yes Ar Khamarrokhimin
- Allahu Allah
- Divine nas Aluk Bil Ismil 'Adzom
The features of this offline MP3 Sholawat Nabi application are:
- Free Offline without internet quota
- Play shuffle (random mode as well as continuous)
- Can be used as a ringtone
- Clear sound
Please download this complete Sholawat Nabi MP3 application. Free....