關於Shuffleboard Score Keeper
This app will help the user keep score at a game of shuffleboard.
Click on a player name to edit the name
Long click on a player score to edit the score
Scoring Rules:
Scoring occurs once all eight disks have been played and is according to
the areas marked on the court with 10 points being deducted for any disks
in the 10-off area. A disk must be entirely within one of the five areas
and not touching the outside lines of that area in order to score the amount
marked within. Disks that lie beyond the 10-off area are ignored.
For the purposes of scoring the penalty 10-off area, the small triangle
that delineates the left and right halves of the 10-off area is ignored. Disks
still score if they are on top of another disk. Judges should position the eye
directly above any disks that are controversially positioned in order to decide
whether or not a line is being touched.
The game is won by the first person to reach 75 points. All eight disks of the
final game must be played and the scores calculated before a player can claim victory.