Signature Maker
關於Signature Maker
Softapps developer provides signature maker Android application,in which you can personalize your signature style signature color and font.
Let's maker an awesome signature to your social media profile pic
Signature Maker allows you to create a signature. Which is meant for fun and personalization official and work purpose also.
Signature Maker is a complete signature creator and manager, it takes your signature and save it
Enter your name in Text Field.
Click on Create Button
Choose the color.
Sign with your finger or stylus.
Select a Signature Style (You can also Change Signature Size, Color from Setting menu).
Style of Signature is change in various ways it can be change from CREATE button, (Back) , (Next) buttons or it can be change by simply touching Signature, By Long clicking on Signature it will save current Signature in SD Card with the name of "Signature.png".
Why do I need it?
You work in a office, you receive tons of documents which you need to sign them.
What does normal office person do to sign his/her documents?
Print them out, sign them with your pen, then scan again and transfer on your PC.
This process can be tiring and time consuming when you have to deal with lots documents and when you have to follow up your boss documents.
> Custom Signatures
> Hand made sign
> change font style and color
& many more .....
Signature Maker APK信息
Signature Maker歷史版本
Signature Maker 1.4.0
Signature Maker 1.2