類似Chihuahua Dog Simulator 3D的最熱門安卓遊戲
WildCraft: Animal Sim Online
Turbo Rocket Games
7.3Cat Sim Online: Play with Cats
Turbo Rocket Games
9.3Dog Sim Online: Raise a Family
Turbo Rocket Games
9.6Dog Town:寵物店遊戲、照顧狗並與狗一起玩
Frismos Games
8.4Dog Run Pet Runner Dog Game
Green Tea Games
10.0My Virtual Pet Shop: Animals
Tapps Games
9.2Pet World: 我的動物收容所
Trophy Games - Animal Games
9.2Pet Run - Puppy Dog Game
Ace Viral
9.6DogHotel – 和狗狗玩耍並且管理收容所
Tivola Games GmbH
TeamLava Games
8.7Dog Simulator
Swift Apps LLC
9.0寵物旅館 – 我的可愛動物旅館
Tivola Games GmbH
9.0My Talking Dog – Virtual Pet
Peaksel Games
8.4我的会说话的狗 - 宠物游戏
Peaksel Games
8.0宠物 狗 Louie The Pug 宠物游戏
Peaksel Games
7.4我的会说话的狗2 - 虚拟宠物
Peaksel Games
4.0会 说话 的 狗 瑪莎 - 宠物 狗
Peaksel Games
7.4Dog Simulator Puppy Craft
10.0Pet Vet Hospital Doctor Game
Roadster Inc - 3D Games Action & Simulation
6.0Wild Dog Survival Simulator
Wild Foot Games
Police Dog Simulator 3D
Tap2Play, LLC
N Age Gamers
10.0Animal Rescue: Pet Shop Story
Tapps Games
10.0洗寵物 - 兒童遊戲
Degoo ltd