- The text entry method has been changed to start with a capital letter (requested by Hannes Re).
- Bug fixed: typing an apostrophe in a product name would cause the app to crash (bug found by Neva Kindsvatter).
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 Simple Shopping Calculator 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 Simple Shopping Calculator 所有舊版本。下載 Simple Shopping Calculator 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
- The text entry method has been changed to start with a capital letter (requested by Hannes Re).
- Bug fixed: typing an apostrophe in a product name would cause the app to crash (bug found by Neva Kindsvatter).
- Added ability to create and manage multiple shopping lists.
- Changed the option menu to two drawer menus. The left menu allows you to manage lists. The right menu is used to manage the currently selected list.
- Added full interface translation for over 100 languages (please email me if you find a translation error).
- Improved application layout.
- Refactoring of almost all application code. The app should now run even better.
- Fixed small bugs.
Check description for full changelog.
- Fixed display of user selected currency.
- Improved formatting of the shared list.
- Minor visual fixes.
- Updated German, Filipino and Hindi translations.
- Changed app icon to be less contrast.
Check description for full changelog.
P.S. If translation for your language is incomplete or incorrect, please let me know what should I improve.
- Added option to select currency.
- Added option to sort the shopping list alphabetically.
- Added tools menu.
- Added new tool: set all multipliers to 0.
- Added new tool: price per kg.
- Added dark theme.
- Allowed to enter digit 0 as price or multiplier.
- Fixed scrolling list after adding a new item or restoring a deleted one.
...and more.
Check description for full changelog.
P.S. If translation for your language is incomplete or incorrect, please let me know what I should improve.
- Added: Remember the prices and show suggestions (you can enable it in settings).
- Added: Hint about how to add discount (you can find it in settings).
- Improved: Graphical user interface.
- Added: New layout for wider screens.
Check description for full changelog.
P.S. If translation for your language is incomplete or incorrect, please let me know what I should improve.
- Added: restoring the open dialogs after rotation of the screen.
- Added: fade out the "undelete" button when all entries have been restored.
- Improved translations for: Italian, Russian, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Hindi, Turkish.
Check description for full changelog.
P.S. If translation for your language is incomplete or incorrect, please let me know what I should improve.
- Added new settings: delete confirmation, move delete button to edit window, show sum for each list item (requested by Wiesiek, thank you).
- Added new style for list numbering "Big" (requested by Wiesiek, thank you).
Check description for full changelog.
P.S. If translation for your language is incomplete or incorrect, please let me know what I should improve.
- Improved user interface.
- Added: discounts, sharing, negative prices, list numbering (requested by Wiesiek, thank you).
- Added settings window (you can enable/disable some functions)
- Added support for RTL.
- Improved currency formatting.
- Added undelete function (requested by Nicola Bianchi, thank you).
- Added describe function (requested by Łukasz Uzdowski, thank you).
If translation for your language is incomplete or incorrect, please let me know what I should improve.
- Added support for RTL (right-to-left script, such as Arabic, Hebrew, or Persian).
- Improved currency formatting (e.g. $0.00 instead of 0.00$).
- Added undelete function (requested by Nicola Bianchi, thank you).
- Added describe function (requested by Łukasz Uzdowski, thank you).
- Improved graphical user interface.
- Updated translations for dozens of countries. If translation for your language is incomplete or incorrect, please let me know what I should improve.
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