關於Singapore Transit Card Reader
A FREE and simple application to explore the use of the NFC Technology Enabled handsets to read the Transport Cards used in the Singapore Transport System.
This application works even without any data or network connection and is Ad-Free.
- View card balance
- View card expiry date
- View recent transaction history
- Save history of presented cards (up to 10)
- Remove history of saved cards
- View map of journey taken in MRT / LRT (requires internet connection)
Please note:
1. Not applicable for Single Trip Paper Ticket.
2. Current version of the application may not work on some handsets but we are working progressively to extend to most smart phones.
We welcome your feedback and hope to give you updates regularly.
To find how to use please visit: http://youtu.be/NQf-ebsmqgc
1. User can save history of the presented cards up to 10 cards by clicking on option “Add Card”. This “Add Card” option is visible by clicking on the application icon.
2. User can delete saved card under “STORED CARDS” option by clicking on 3 dots on the right hand side of the card number.
3. Resolved card detection issue observed on Samsung Galaxy Note 2 for Android OS update 4.4.2
4. Defect fixes and support for Android Gingerbread.