關於Sistema Educativo ADEC
The Asociación para el Desarrollo Educativo y Cultural (ADEC), is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes a unique educational model in the country.
This model respects, above all, the dignity of the human person in all its dimensions as well as the responsibility of parents as primary educators of their children. This training approach has been a new educational option for Costa Rican and foreign families of any faith.
Collaborating with parents in the education of their children, is the spirit which animates our mission, educating people to be truly happy and positively transform society through a Christian vision of life. For this reason the ADEC Lunchbox application was created, which was developed with the support of Encke Technologies.
ADEC Lunchbox is an app that lets you keep track of your child spending in a simple way. ADEC Lunchbox shows a history of purchases that your children are making in order to have a greater knowledge about the nutritional health of your children. ADEC Lunchbox also lets you see the price of products that your children have purchased and allows you to keep a control of their balance.
ADEC Lunchbox is an application that will help you be more aware of the power of the most important to you, your children.
“Parents should find time to spend with their children, to talk with them. They are the most important thing – more important than business or work or rest. In their conversations, parents should make an effort to listen, to pay attention, to understand, to recognize the fact that their children are sometimes partly right – or even completely right – in some of their rebellious attitudes. At the same time, they should help their children to direct their efforts and to carry out their projects properly, teaching them to consider things and to reason them out. It is not a matter of imposing a line of conduct, but rather of showing the human and supernatural motives for it. In a word, parents have to respect their children’s freedom, because there is no real education without personal responsibility, and there is no responsibility without freedom.”
Christ is Passing By, 27