- Access geolocated tourist information : lodging, restaurants, museums, tourist attractions, …
- Get the weather forecasts for the next 4 days for your position on the map.
- Download quality SityGuides from tourist offices and associated maps and multimedia content.
- After downloading, SityGuides can be followed without any Internet connection.
- Points of interest are automatically triggered and texts can be read with voice synthesis.
- Alarm when you leave the track of the SityGuide.
- Several languages are supported.
- Get directions to a point of interest or the start point of a SityGuide.
- View trails and cycle networks from several tourist offices on the OpenStreetMap map, for exemple, in Walloon Region, the RAVeL network and the cycle network of "Pays de Famenne".
- QRCode reader.
- Save flags on the map.
Sity Tour offers a wide range of applications for digital tourism to tourist offices, guest houses, campings, gîtes, ….
Are you searching for a content management system for your tourist information : activities, lodging, restaurants, events and tourist routes on your territory?
Would you like to easily publish all your information in real time via your website or your partner’s websites?
Are you searching for innovating mobile application to publish this information to many smartphones and tablets?
Discover the wide range of SityTour applications in order to promote natural sites, oustanding sites as well as cities and villages:
More information on www.sitytour.com
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