關於Skinny Runner - Games, YouTube, FB, Instagram etc
Skinny Runner是一款多功能應用。玩遊戲或使用YouTube,FB,Instagram等
Skinny Runner is a multi functional app. It have many feature that make you will be happy. You can play many interesting games and browse YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.
Shopping: You can shopping from your local online store(such as Amazon) by using this app.
Tools and games: You can use many helpful tools(such as health & fitness tools, business & finance tools, educational tools and many informative tools). And also you can play various interesting online games.
Live cricket score: You can check live cricket score on this Skinny Runner app. And you can know the upcoming ICC World Cup & ICC Cricket Series and team state & player report.
SkinnyTaste (Healthy Recipes): Skinnytaste - Delicious Healthy Recipes Made with Real Food. Skinny taste is a delicious healthy recipes teaching feature. You can learn many healthy and tasty recipes in SkinnyTaste option.
YouTube: You can play video from YouTube. The YouTube video will be continued when you playing games or browse Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc from this app.
Facebook: Facebook is one of the most used social media website. You can browse it from this app.
Instagram: There are another option to use Instagram from this app.
Twitter: You can use Twitter by this awesome app.
News: You can reading news by selecting your country for local news on this app.
Browse or search: You can browse any website or search any information on Google by this wonderful app.
We hope this app will be help you a lot.