關於Soccer Unblocker
Why do I needSoccer Unblocker VPN?
You need Soccer Unblocker so you can watch the things you want to watch without getting blocked and you want to watch them without your speeds being slowed down!
Why wont Soccer Unblocker VPN slows my internet down like the others?
Other VPN´s are heavily encrypted as the emphasism is on safety whereas Soccer Unblocker VPN has lowered the encryption slightly to give you faster speeds, afterall no-one does their online banking on their Soccer Unblocker do they? So although ours is encrypted we have shifted the focus onto streaming at faster speeds privately and not getting blocked. Soccer Unblocker VPN will STILL Make your box or stick 4 or 5 times safer than what it was even with our slightly lower encryption.
Faster and More Stable Connection
Fixed bugs.