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The McCann Digital Sorcova si an application that helps you express the warmest holyday greetings to your friends, family, clients or employees. Sorcova is a centuries old New Year Romanian tradition. In the last years, the young generation has shown little interest in Romanian traditions and have borrowed instead international ones. That's why, with McCann Digital Sorcova, we have found a way to keep this tradition alive, by placing it in the digital world.
How does Sorcova work? Download, open the app, select a Facebook friend
to whom you send all the best wishes and start shaking your phone until
you'll hear the bells. At the end, the app will post an automatic
message on your Facebook wall. If you wish, you can also capture the
moment when you receive your reward.
Sorcova digitala McCann este o aplicatie care te ajuta sa transmiti cele mai calde urari de sarbatori catre prieteni, familie, clienti sau angajati. Sorcova este o veche traditie romaneasca. In ultimii ani, generatia tanara si-a pierdut interesul pentru traditiile romanesti si a adoptat unele international. Prin Sorcova digitala McCann, am gasit o modalitate de a mentine vie aceasta traditie.
Cum functioneaza Sorcova? Deschizi aplicatia, selectezi de pe Facebook
prietenul pe care vrei sa-l sorcovesti, misti energic telefonul pana
auzi clopoteii si incepi sa canti. La sfarsit aplicatia posteaza automat
un mesaj pe contul tau de Facebook. Daca vrei, poti sa imortalizezi si
momentul cand iti primesti rasplata.