This application is the light version of Mrid it simulates the Japanese abacus (soroban), it gives you problems of addition (and subtraction) to solve in the shortest possible time, it can teach the addition (and subtraction) to children and adults.
Soroban application of mental computation and intelligence development is a training educational application for children, aimed at developing mental abilities and developing their thinking skills.
The application works effectively to improve the performance of the right part of the brain, especially the fantasy muscle in which Einstein said:
The best way to activate the brain is to calculate, but imagination is more important than knowledge.
The Soroban application makes the child accept to learn with great self-confidence and pleasure through complex and long calculations in record time and with high accuracy.
Cette application est la version allégée de Mrid il simule l'abaque japonais (soroban), il vous donne des problèmes d'addition (et de soustraction) à résoudre dans les plus brefs délais, il peut enseigner l'addition (et la soustraction) aux enfants et aux adultes.
Soroban 3.4
Soroban 3.2
Soroban 2.2
Soroban 2.1