Speedometer is a GPS based digital/analog speedometer, it shows useful information like current speed, distance you traveled and time taken for traveling distance.
Useful for:
Information displayed
Current speed (MPH, KMH)
Distance you travelled (MPH, KMH)
Time taken to travel X distance (Minutes)
Digital meter
Start trip
Pause trip (When you pause your trip just do Pause)
Resume trip (When you resume for trip just do Resume)
Stop trip
FYI: By using Pause and Resume, you would able to calculate exact time for trip
Permission required:
How to use:
Whenever you are starting your journey you have to press Start button.
Whenever you want to pause your journey (Example: Whenever you want to take rest/lunch/dinner/break during journey, to calculate accurate time for trip you have to press pause button)
Whenever you want to resume your journey( Example: Whenever you are done with rest/lunch/dinner/break during journey, to calculate accurate time for trip you have to press resume button)
Whoever you are finishing your journey just press Stop button. Application will display total distance you traveled, time taken during journey.
Testing we did:
We have tested this application while driving car, bike, bicycle and walking. We got 98% success result. 2% fail result falls into poor GPS result. Hence its for you.
Kindly share your feedback and thoughts for this application by email.
Cheers !