關於Squeaky Mail
This is an email client derived from the popular, open source application K-9 Mail. Squeaky Mail integrates with PGP KeyRing, a crypto provider, empowering you with safe and simple email encryption services based on the PGP standard. Squeaky Mail has full support for both inline and PGP/MIME messages. If you are a user of PGP KeyRing, this email client will integrate seamlessly just as K-9 Mail does with APG. Both the trial and full versions of PGP KeyRing are supported.
* PGP/MIME support is only available with the PGP KeyRing provider (version 1.7 and above)
* The entire message must first be downloaded before Squeaky Mail will recognize it as a PGP/MIME message
* Includes support for non-Western character sets
The source code for Squeaky Mail can be accessed by visiting the Website, or simply go to: https://github.com/imaeses/k-9
NOTE FROM THE DEVELOPER: There is a bug in Enigmail 1.7 that incorrectly fails to verify PGP/MIME signatures. (See: http://sourceforge.net/p/enigmail/bugs/332/) The nightly build may contain a fix, although it's not guaranteed to be stable. (https://enigmail.net/download/nightly.php).
- Allow editing of quoted text for encrypted messages
- Improve readability of quoted text