Squeegee App歷史版本
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Squeegee App的歷史版本
- 1.45.7(100450007)APK下載2025年03月15日27.3 MBAndroid 10.0+1.45.7版本更新
- 1.44.4(100440004)APK下載2025年01月01日26.3 MBAndroid 10.0+1.44.4版本更新
The latest update enhances customization, usability, and reliability. Features include configurable quote confirmation emails. Improvements feature an improved mobile remote support button, consistent app icons across platforms, and the financials tab displaying active customers without active jobs. Bug fixes resolve report errors for jobs not in rounds, prevent assignment duplications for long accounts, correct appointment reminder days, and resolve an unread message logout bug.
- 1.41.3(100410003)APK下載2024年10月21日27.0 MBAndroid 10.0+1.41.3版本更新
## Release Notes for v1.41.3 October 12th, 2024
New Features 🚀
- Two way email is now in public beta, head over to **New Features** in settings to try it out.
Improvements 💥
- Improved the flow of the two way email configuration.
- Balance cache can be cleared from the balance settings screen.
- Markeplace alert will not show repeatedly.
- Archived notifications, payments, and invoices now all get status updates even when archived.
Bug Fixes 🔧
- Fixed an issue preventing aut - 1.39.11(100390011)APK下載2024年09月24日26.8 MBAndroid 10.0+1.39.11版本更新
## Release Notes for v1.39.11 September 16th, 2024
Bug Fixes 🔧
- Fixed an issue preventing an expired TrueLayer account from being listed.
- Fixed an issue when updating the assignee for a job also updated past done jobs, this now only updates past not-done jobs.
- Fixed an issue where pressing the "Go to Marketplace" button on a marketplace alert did not open the marketplace.
- Fixed an issue preventing users from starting timers for some assignees.
- Fixed a UI bug preventing user - 1.38.32(100380032)APK下載2024年08月18日26.7 MBAndroid 10.0+1.38.32版本更新
## Release Notes for v1.38.32 August 6th, 2024
Improvements 💥
- Improved the layout and content of the device audit screen.
- Added the customer reference and the balance to the select customer screen.
- Updated the assignment picker to show default assignee with a hint for who it is currently set to.
- Updated attachments to Job Appointments to save the appointment when an attachment is made.
- Redesigned the training view to make it more user friendly.
- Updated the shared two w - 1.38.15(100380015)APK下載2024年07月30日26.5 MBAndroid 10.0+1.38.15版本更新
## Release Notes for v1.38.15 July 12th, 2024
New Features 🚀
- Added a setting to switch the availability view to show the value of jobs instead of the skills/time required.
Bug Fixes 🔧
- Fixed an issue with team members not listing jobs.
- Fixed the tax rate on the basic invoices report.
- Corrected an issue preventing some settings from being accessed due to screen size.
Improvements 💥
- Added a prompt to confirm adding jobs onto an ad-hoc invoice.
## Release Notes for v1.3 - 1.35.45(100350045)APK下載2024年04月16日24.6 MBAndroid 10.0+1.35.45版本更新
## Release Notes for v1.35.45 April 4th, 2024
## Summary
Introduced enhanced security features like two-factor authentication, canned responses for faster messaging, improved user experience with customizable SMS templates and manual payment invites, and more efficient job searching capabilities. Additionally, this update brings significant improvements in planner functionalities such as searchable customer balances and notes, optimized Day Pilot routing, and streamlined supplier management, a - 1.27.10(100270010)APK下載2023年12月10日24.3 MBAndroid 10.0+1.27.10版本更新
## Release Notes for v1.27.10 November 29th, 2023
Bug fixes around unscheduled jobs, syncing and duplicate invoice prevention processing. And a new feature for managing skills for workers and jobs. - 1.27.5(100270005)APK下載2023年11月26日24.3 MBAndroid 10.0+1.27.5版本更新
## Release Notes for v1.27.5 November 9th, 2023
Bug fixes around unscheduled jobs, syncing and duplicate invoice prevention processing. And a new feature for managing skills for workers and jobs. - 1.25.24(100250024)APK下載2023年11月06日24.3 MBAndroid 10.0+1.25.24版本更新
## Release Notes for v1.25.24 October 31st, 2023
Improved the settings, transaction reconciliation, device audit data, and the import service, as well as a number of bug fixes and improvements.
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