Welcome to StartBizUp, which provides the would be entrepreneur with a path through an 8-step approach to a successful startup.
Do you have aspirations to become an entrepreneur and start up your own business? Do you have one or more business ideas that you are keen to explore further? Do you have unique skills and talents which you believe that they can be used to generate revenue as a business? Are you at a stage where you want to put up a business plan to finalize your start up idea?
If the answer is yes to one or more of the above questions, you have come to the right place. The reason that most people are hesitant to invest in a start up is the fear of failure. It is understandable that one hesitates when there is uncertainty. What is needed is an easy way to assess business ideas quickly and identify potential failures before taking the plunge.
The objective of StartBizUp is to provide would be entrepreneurs with an 8-step approach to a successful startup. They can use this approach to assess their start up ideas easily and quickly. This improves the chances of success as they can tweak the various features of the start up idea at any step. If they reach the limit to which the step can be adjusted, they can simply move a step back or more. This way the start up idea gets strengthened as it is improved with each iteration or is eliminated due to non-viability. Would be entrepreneurs need not be knowledgeable in accounting as StartBizUp automates the process of working out the financials. If the start up idea proves viable, StartBizUp calculates the amount of capital required to invest in the venture. At the end, what would be entrepreneurs will receive are the key features of a business plan for their start up idea.
StartBizUp also provides a wealth of information regarding each of the 8 steps. This is to help would be entrepreneurs who may be unfamiliar with certain terms or the reasons for the specific methodology used.