// substweaks //
關於// substweaks //
// substweaks // is a minimal package with a bunch of handy options for near-stock ROMs.
Features :
-> Enable lockscreen rotation.
-> Center clock for stock ROMs on Android 8.1.
-> Custom QS column count along with hiding QS tile labels.
-> Enable WiFi activity indicators.
-> Show 4G/LTE on statusbar for LTE.
-> Show LIT icons for LTE on supported platforms.
-> VoLIT icon to replace existing VoLTE icon if your ROM has one.
-> Allow adjusting navbar height (On Oreo this requires rebooting to take effect)
-> Centered dashboard category titles on Android N.
-> Hide Settings icons with or without Oreo style padding.
-> Configurable rounded recents.
-> Pink on {White,Black} color schemes in Android Terminal.
General support status:
✔ Android N OMS ROMs
✔ Android Oreo stock ROMs
✔ Android Oreo custom ROMs
✔ Android P
❌ Samsung stock ROMs
Clock position mods support status:
❌ OxygenOS
❌ Samsung stock and stock-based ROMs
❌ Custom ROMs with statusbar clutter like network speed indicators
✔ Stock Nexus and Pixel devices running Android Oreo.
// substweaks // APK信息
// substweaks //歷史版本
// substweaks // 4.0
// substweaks // 3.6
// substweaks // 3.5
// substweaks // 3.2