關於超級清理 清理垃圾 清理緩存 手機加速 CPU降溫
Super Cleaner Master, 清理垃圾,加速手機,最佳化系統,讓您的手機運行更快速,更流暢!
Super Cleaner Master是一款輕巧,快速,功能強大的的安卓清理和系統最佳化的應用程式,能幫助用戶輕鬆釋放存儲空間,解決手機卡頓,停止不需要的應用程式反复啟動,讓手機時刻運行最佳狀態!
Super Cleaner Master可以幫助您提升手機的運行速度,清理垃圾文件,省電模式,遊戲加速器,卸載不常用的應用程式。確保您的手機乾淨,安全,快速!
集多功能於一身的Super Cleaner Master清理應用程式,為您的手機進行深層清理,讓您的手機極速運行!
- 掃描清理垃圾文件:智能分析存儲狀態,清理垃圾文件,釋放內存。
- 關閉後台應用及不必要的軟體
- 防止惡意卸除,只需輕輕一點即可釋放存儲空間
- CPU監視器,防止CPU溫度過高
- 開啟省電模式延長電池壽命
- 清理緩存,釋放空間
- 優化您的設備,提高運行速度
Super Cleaner Master主要特色功能:
- 體積小,內容強大的清理軟體大師。清理垃圾,釋放內存
-持續監測溫度變化、偵測大量耗用 CPU 的應用程式並開始降溫程序、有效降低手機溫度。
Super Cleaner Master清理加速軟件是一款免費的手機清理軟體。幫您提升手機運行速度、清理垃圾文件、省電模式、遊戲加速器、卸除無用軟體。確保您的手機乾淨、安全、快速。還在擔心手機內存不夠嗎?立即下載清理加速應用程式解決所有煩惱!
Super Cleaner Master, your professional Android cleaner & optimizer, is the lightest and powerful clean master app you have ever seen.
Super Cleaner Master, highly effective cache and junk cleaner app for Android devices, helps you clean junk files, boost phone speed by 60%.
Clean cache & junks, boost speed, cool down CUP and extend battery life with safest and fastest cleaner master app.
Super Cleaner Master is the most powerful cleaner master and phone optimizer. Super Cleaner Master is a Phone Booster, Speed Booster, Junk Cleaner, RMA Cleaner, Cache Cleaner, Storage Cleaner, App Cleaner, System Cleaner, CPU Booster and Battery Cooler. With the powerful Super Cleaner Master cleaning app, you can clean up junks, boost speed, clean cache, clean system junks, cool down CPU, save battery life and manage your apps. Become the master of your own device with the powerful cleaning app for Android!
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Improve phone boost
Improve CPU cool
Improve similar photo clean
Improve notification clean