Suriscanner 應用程序是一款易於使用的 Suriwallet 場所管理應用程序。
Using this app cashiers or your delivery team can give customers points or stamps by only scanning the personal QR code of the user (which can be found in the Stampwallet app of a user under settings > show qr code).
* You can give the customer points based on a price. For example when the price per stamp / point of a promotion in our management panel is set at 10$ and you input 31$ and scan the customer QR code the customer will get 3 points / stamps.
* You can also just fill in the amount of stamps / points and scan the QR code code of a user to give stamps instantly.
* Places can only use the app with their Suriscanner account login.
The SW scanner app is perfect for delivery services, popup stores, small businesses, terraces, B2B, etc.