Talkque lets anybody with a cell phone connected to the same wi-fi network or hotspot talk to each other. It's fast, simple and easy to use.
Cellular Network companies are dominating how we communicate to each other with high prices, contracts and limited coverage, network congestion and limited security from someone else listening in.
What happens when we have no or limited cellular signal? Today - we don't get to talk to each other. Your phone has no bars. You stop talking and wait for service to return or clear up capacity overloads.
No cell signal? No wi-fi - go here www.talkque.com and get portable wi-fi router to take with you.You can talk for free with Talkque.
With Talkque, you can keep on talking. Talk uses your phones Wi-Fi radio to transmit and receive your voice while piggybacking on the nearest Wi-Fi network.
There are other apps that provide Push-to-talk access, but most of these require Wi-Fi + Internet access to a central server. You also have to create an account to use their service. Talkque is different. No accounts or internet access is needed. You are off-the-grid so to speak.
Talkque is secure. Talk is also unique in that we create a secure connection between users.
Get Talking today. No Fees. No Contracts. No Hassles.
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[Talkque standard includes advertisements]