About Tasbeeh :
Tasbeeh (Dikr) is names of The Great Allah. Tasbeeh content 99 names of Allah,Those are Authentic and comes in to holy book of Quran.
Tasbihat is an Islamic Prayer Counter application that allows you to perform Tasbeeh count while you are travelling, in office, masque anywhere. App Itself maintain your Reciting count and update the Server (through Sync).
Benefit of App that its support all device Android/iPhone and Through Single Account you can get all the current counter of Tasbeeh .
In Any Case you change Device/Lost/Or App Deleted you can Login and Sync App and received all data back from Lemosys cloud.
Names Of Allah Available in both Language Arabic/English, From Setting you can easily change Language.
Beauty of App is you know in your whole life how many times you said Name of Allah.
In'sallah Allah Reward you for Dikr (Beautiful names of Allah)
Features :
1. Tasbeeh - Available in Arabic/English
2. Share - You can Share Daily Tasbhi to FB/Twitter/Etc
3. Reminder - App will remind you to do Tasbhi, you can set from setting
4. Sync - In Setting -> Sync allow your data to sync to Lemosys Cloud
Please feel free to contact me via http://lemosys.com/contact for any feedback or Suggestion.