關於Taxi Navi – Quick call Taxi
Easy to use, useful for avoiding taxi scams
By providing full data of over 300 reliable local taxi companies in all 54 big cities in Vietnam including USUALLY-UPDATED fare, EXACT Route map, ON-THE-GO tracking, etc. for FREE, Passengers can easily request taxies everywhere in Vietnam
With this application, you can:
- Easy searching and booking a taxi via call centers
- Regularly update unit price (for a short and long trip)
- Easy to track route and estimate journey cost
- Compare journey cost among taxi companies
- Record tracking history for a better spending management
- Add your favorite driver numbers and make a quick call whenever you need
- Turning on GPS continuously can damage your battery
- This application works well in 3G, wifi
-The data gathering is still in process, so if you have any information about taxi zones or fare, etc, don’t hesitate to contact us.