關於Tech in Asia Event
Tech in Asia活動應用程序。
Get a much better experience in Tech in Asia Conference with the Tech in Asia Event app!
With this app, you can:
- Build relationship with fellow attendees.
- See who is attending and connect one-on-one with direct messaging feature.
- Post photos, messages, likes and comments on the activity stream.
- Browse through the schedule, speakers, sponsors, and other essential event information.
- Stay informed with the latest event updates.
- ... and many more!
NOTE: To unlock the full features you must register as the event participant and receive invitation by Tech in Asia team.
What is Tech in Asia?
Tech in Asia (YC W15) is the largest technology media focusing on Asia. We cover tech trends, startups, and big tech titans in the region. We aim to build and serve Asia's tech and startup community.
Beyond content, Tech in Asia organizes tech conferences and events across Asia. We also operate the most popular startup and technology jobs marketplace in the region.