關於The Secret - Law of Attraction : Summary
The Secret - law of attraction is a best-selling book by Rhonda Byrne.
The Secret is a self-help book about the power of positive thinking by Rhonda Byrne. The book is based on a pseudo-scientific theory called the “law of attraction” – the principle that “like attracts like.” Specifically, Byrne focuses on the idea that your dreams do in fact come true – thinking about money and wealth will attract these very things, causing them to manifest in your life. Likewise, fretting over a worst-case scenario will only cause your fears to be realized. Hence the importance of positive thinking. There are no accidents and bad luck. Instead, Byrne writes, “Your life right now is a reflection of your past thoughts.”
According to Byrne, the mind is a magnet, emitting and receiving frequencies to and from the Universe. Each thought sends out a signal, which in turn gathers similar frequencies – due to the law of attraction – before returning back to you. In this fashion, your mind can bring you anything you desire – the dream of a new house, and somehow, someway, it will come to you. On the flip side, dwelling on war and poverty will only perpetuate these evils. Byrne even proposes that too much negative thinking can put you on the path of a natural disaster or terrorist attack.
Courtesy of the book publisher and author who worked to spread book’s knowledge. This summary is in no way to claim rights but a mere contribution to cultivate reading habit among youth and motivate them to buy the book.
Name: The Secret
Author: Rhonda Byrne
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Book available in English at Flipkart, Amazon
Book available in Hindi at Flipkart, Amazon
Book size: 224 pages